Holy Name Society
By Laws
I. - Name & Charter
1. NameThe organization shall be known as the Holy Name Society of St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Parish.
2. Charter.
The Parish Charter was granted by the Dominican Order, on the 10th day of January, 1943.
II. - Mission & Purposes
1. Mission.St. Josaphat’s Holy Name Society is an organization, which exists to promote reverence for the Most Holy Name of Jesus and to promote apostolic work within the Parish.
2. General Purposes.
The general purposes of this society shall be:
a. To promote reverence for the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to praise and venerate the Most Holy Name of God.
b. To promote the spiritual welfare of the members of the Parish by encouraging and assisting them to observe the practices of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, namely:
i. the frequent reception of the sacraments
ii. the honoring of the Most Holy Name by an active religious life
iii. by working against all things which offend the Most Holy Name
c. To foster the observance of the promises contained in the Holy Name Pledge.
d. To assist the members to participate more intimately in the life of the Church to fulfill the demands of the Lay Apostolate.
e. Perform special works for the Parish.
3. Specific Purposes.
The specific purposes of this society shall be:
a. To receive monthly corporate Communion at the Mass established by the Reverend Pastor.
b. To promote the Cause for the Canonization of Blessed John of Vercelli and Ukrainian martyrs.
c. To educate the members in the works of the Lay Apostolate.
d. To promote closed retreats for members and to sponsor an annual retreat for members of the Parish.
e. To foster the Apostolate of the Catholic Press. This includes the official diocesan and National Holy Name publications.
III. – Members
All members of the Parish, whose applications for membership have been approved by the Reverend Pastor, who have been formally received, and whose names have been inscribed in the official register, shall be members of this Society.IV. - Officers
1. Ex-Officio.The Reverend Pastor who, either personally or by his delegate shall hold the office of Spiritual Director, shall be Ex-Officio, and officer of the Society.
2. Elective Officers.
The elective officers shall be the president, two vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, and marshal.
(The number of vice presidents is optional along with the marshal).
3. Appointive Offices.
The appointed officers shall be the Chairmen of the Standing Committees.
V. – Nominations, Elections and Appointments
1. Nominations.a. The nominating committee shall be appointed at the regular meeting in the month before the election is to take place. The Pastor shall be ex-officio a member of this committee. The nominating committee shall be appointed by the President and consist of three members.
b. The nominating committee shall select candidates for each office listed in Article IV, Section 2. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. The candidates’ must have the approval of the Pastor or his delegate.
2. Elections.
a. Each officer shall be elected for a term of two years and shall not be eligible for reelection to the same office in successive terms, except that the secretary, treasurer and marshal shall be eligible for reelection.
b. At the regular monthly meeting designated for the election, the majority of the ballots cast shall decide the election.
c. The officers-elect, upon confirmation of the Pastor, shall be installed and take office at the regular monthly meeting following the election.
3. Elections.
a. The chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Pastor or his delegate.
b. The Chairmen shall be appointed for a term of two years but shall be eligible for reappointment to the same committee.
VI. – Duties of Officers
1. Ex-Officio.The Reverend Pastor or his delegate shall be the supreme authority of this Society. He shall plan and direct the religious activities and all other actions of this Society shall be subject to his approval.
2. President.
The President shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the Society.
b. Appoint the Chairmen of the Standing Committees after consultation with the officers.
c. Plan the meetings and activities of the Society and hold the officers and chairmen responsible for the activities entrusted to them.
d. Represent the Society at meetings.
e. Sign all official documents and papers of the Society.
f. Perform all such other duties as are usually attached to the office of President.
3. Vice Presidents.
The Vice President(s) shall be the chairmen of the committee(s) to which they have been assigned.
a. The 1st Vice President shall:
i. Be responsible for membership as his primary responsibility and shall maintain an accurate membership roster.
ii. Conduct the Membership recruiting of the Society and promote the attendance of members at the activities of the Society.
iii. Preside in the absence of the President, and shall perform duties normally devolving upon the office of the President.
b. The 2nd Vice President shall:
i. Be responsible for communication as his primary responsibility.
ii. Serve as the webmaster for the Parish website.
iii. Make visitations with his committee to the sick members of the Society.
iv. Promote the attendance of the members at vigils for deceased members.
v. Supply active or honorary pallbearers for the funeral of deceased members.
vi. Arrange to have an annual Communion Mass offered for the living and deceased members of the Society.
vii. Be responsible for making known the constructive efforts of all committees within the Parish.
viii. Publicize information through the Parish bulletin, Diocesan newspaper, and all local media and also notify the Diocesan Union of all special activities of the Parish Society.
The Vice President(s) shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President
4. Secretary.
The Secretary shall:
a. Keep a record of the proceedings of the Society’s meetings and have copies of those records available at the subsequent meetings.
b. Conduct all correspondence of the Society, including bereavement cards.
c. Keep a record of all members and of their attendance at the meetings and corporate Communions of the Society.
d. Notify the members of the date and time of the monthly Communion and regular and special meetings.
5. Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect the annual dues and all other monies of the Society and deposit the same in an authorized depository.
b. Pay all obligations of the Society after they have been authorized.
c. Keep vouchers for all disbursements.
d. Keep a record of all monies received and disbursed.
e. Present a report on the financial condition of the Society at all meetings of the Society.
6. Marshall.
The Marshall shall:
a. Direct all processions of the Society and maintain order at all its meetings.
b. Supervise all physical arrangements for the meetings and other special activities of the Society.
VII. – Standing Committees
1. Committees.The Standing Committees of this Society shall be the Apostolic Committee and the Activities Committee.
VIII. – Duties of the Committee Chairmen
1. General.The Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall solicit members for their respective committees. They shall coordinate the work entrusted to the committees
2. Apostolic Committee Chairman.
The Apostolic Committee Chairman shall:
a. Coordinate all the apostolic activities of the Society to include retreats, preparation for and participation in Christmas and Easter services, and monthly corporate communion.
b. Promote other related spiritual programs and activities assigned to the Society by the Pastor. 3. Activities Committee Chairman.
The activities Committee Chairman shall:
a. Coordinate all the non-apostolic special events of the society to include social gatherings, fundraisers and church upkeep among others.
b. Coordinate member participation in all non-apostolic parish activities to include parish bingo and the parish festival among others.
4. Retreat Master.
The Retreat Master shall work under the direction of the Apostolic Committee Chairman and shall:
a. Promote and sponsor the annual retreat for the members of the Parish.
b. Work in close contact with the Deanery and Diocesan Union in their promotion of retreats
c. Work with the Retreat Houses in the Diocese and those affiliated with the Diocese.
d. Promote and arrange for Days of Recollection for all members of the Society.
IX. – Meetings
1. Regular Meetings.a. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Meetings will be omitted during the months of July and August.
b. Special meetings of the Society shall be held upon the call of the President.
X. – Finances
a. The annual dues shall be paid at the September meeting.b. Failure to pay dues shall not exclude anyone from membership.
XI. – Affiliation
a. This Society shall be a member of the Deanery Society "Region A," and also the Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies, if such Deanery or Diocesan Society exists.b. A majority of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
XII. – Amendments
a. No amendment shall be made to these bylaws except at a regular meeting of the Society and passed by a three-fourths vote of the members present.b. No amendments shall be made unless a formal notice of the proposed amendment, approved by the Pastor, has been presented at the previous regular meeting of the Society.
c. No amendment shall be made to these by-laws, which shall conflict with the Constitution of the Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies.
XIII. – Parliamentary Authority
The parliamentary rules of procedure set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, (Newly Revised) shall regulate and govern the procedures and discussions in all matters not specifically covered in the By-laws of the St. Josaphat’s Parish Holy Name Society, by present rules, and by any other special rules which the Executive Board or Regular Meeting may accept.The above by-laws were accepted by the St. Josaphat’s Parish Holy Name Society on the 13th Day of January in the year 2002.
Blessed be God.Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
I believe, O Jesus - that Thou art the Christ
The Son of the Living God.
I proclaim my love - for the Vicar of Christ on earth.
I believe all the sacred truths
Which the Holy Catholic Church believes and teaches.
I promise to give good example
By the regular practice of my faith. In honor of His Divine Name -
I pledge myself against perjury, blasphemy,
Profanity and obscene speech.
I pledge my loyalty - to the flag of my country -
And to the God-given principles -
Of freedom, justice and happiness - for which it stands.
I pledge my support - to all lawful authority
Both civil and religious.
I dedicate my manhood (myself) -
To the honor of the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ -
To the honor of the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ -
And beg that He will keep me faithful -
To these pledges - until death.
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